Individual Therapy Articles

How Can Therapy Help Me?

Within the past decade alone, therapy has evolved to help a very significant amount of the population work through a wide array of personal issues. However, even with this proven track record, there are many among us that aren’t seeking assistance for whatever...

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Cognitive Therapy for Suicide Prevention

While suicide is not a mental illness, it is a serious consequence of treatable mental disorders. Mental disorders include, major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and substance abuse disorders, amongst others. It is important to identify symptoms...

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Choosing Your Therapist

Life is unpredictable. Whether you’re feeling lost after the death of a loved one or simply overwhelmed by daily responsibilities and stresses, you might find that you need extra support in times of emotional duress. According to the National Institute of Mental...

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Four Tips for Surviving Holiday Stress

Can you do it? Is it even possible? Can you make it all the way through the holidays and avoid any extra holiday stress?  Yes! You can do it! You just need a little help and to try out this list of holiday tips. #1 Get organized! Lists, lists, lists! Make a list of...

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What To Know About Seasonal Affective Disorder

As the winter months draw close, those living with Seasonal Affective Disorder come to dread the grey, snowy weather. You may have heard the phrase before, but what exactly do you need to know about this condition? Seasonal Affective Disorder is a form of depression...

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7 Benefits of Seeing a Therapist

When life gets you down, it is often difficult to speak to friends and family about the things that bother you most. No one wants to put their life problems on the ones they love, and keeping these emotions bottled up inside will lead to a life of unhappiness. Seeing...

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Hope and Healing for Life
1678 Selby Ave
St. Paul , MN 55104

Licensed Therapist

Eating Disorder Therapist St. Paul MN